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सांगायचंच आहे!

Must be told!

a nonverbal Performance by Kāhī Kaḷenā

Sāṅgāycac āhé! in Marathi means “must be told”.

Four individuals are desperate to tell something, but there is no language, no words which could be appropriate. So, the body itself becomes the medium of communication.


Each body is a storage and carrier of socio-cultural information, and thus each person as such is his*her own culture. The ability to adapt ourselves to a specific environment is understood as being civilised. This process can be smooth or violent, and it can complete within seconds or stretch over centuries. 

In Sāṅgāycac āhé!, this process evolves into a chain of repetitive events, narrated from the point of view of different characters. Their stories merge and clash, influence and ignore each other.


Sāṅgāycac āhé! brings this struggle on stage and invites the audience to the quest and the confrontation of own beliefs, backgrounds and positions in society.

Sāṅgāycac āhé! is supported by:

Landesverband Freier Theater in Niedersachsen e.V.


and funded by:

Stiftung Niedersachsen, Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur Niedersachsen, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Stadt Hildesheim, Landschaftsverband Hildesheim, Friedrich Weinhagen Stiftung, Kulturbüro der Landeshauptstadt Hannover, Studierendenwerk OstNiedersachsen



~70min. + Discussion*

Pay what you can  (recommended: 8-20€)** 

You can either send us your Donation here on our websit

or leave us some cash at the performance!

*The discussion will be held in English, German and Marathi. We will be translating between those three languages.

**We want to make it possible for everyone who's interested in our performance to be able to come independently of their income. So we are not going to ask for a fixed ticket fee. Nevertheless, we are still dependent on (financial) support. If you have the means, please feel free to either donate through our website via DONATE or leave some money in the moneybox at the performance. Every amount, no matter how small, helps us continue our work.

If you booked a ticket and realize you can't make it, please cancel your ticket via the contact form!


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